(209) 944-9555 Main Office info@usrscrap.com
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Prohibited Materials

The following materials are prohibited from acceptance at all Universal Service Recycling, Inc facilities and Universal Service Recycling Merced, Inc, except as otherwise noted below:

  1. Non-Recyclable Materials of any kind, including asphalt, concrete, debris, dirt, rags, tires, trash
  2. Free-flowing liquids including hazardous liquids (e.g., gasoline, motor oil, oil filters and other lubricants, hydraulic fluids, anti-freeze, ammonia, mercury and oil paint) and non-hazardous materials (e.g., water)
  3. Flammable and Combustible Materials or other petroleum products, including diesel fuel and gasoline
  4. Corrosive Materials (e.g., lead acid batteries)
  5. Radioactive Materials of any type (e.g., military scrap, medical scrap, thickness measuring devices)
  6. Explosives or potential explosives of any type, such as  munitions scrap (e.g., ammunition, shells)
  7. Poisons, Infectious Materials, Bio-Hazard or Chemicals in solid, powder, liquid, gaseous form (e.g., fertilizers) or needles/sharps
  8. Containers or Cylinders (Pressurized, Closed, or Formerly Containing Hazardous Materials) (e.g., propane tanks, compressed gas tanks, aerosol cans, bulk storage tanks, fire extinguishers, storage tanks, process vessels)
  9. Materials or Containers Containing Suspected Hazardous Substance Residue, including: A)  Asbestos-containing materials (ACM), such as pipe insulation or surfacing materials.  B) Aerosol cans that contain paint, water sealer, pesticides or other hazardous or toxic substances.  C) Non-Aerosol containers that contain paint, water sealer, pesticides or other hazardous or toxic substances. D) Air conditioning and refrigeration units containing CFCs, HCFCs or non-exempt refrigerant substitutes  E) PCB-containing materials, such as capacitors, ballasts and transformers.  F) Lead-containing materials. G) Mercury-containing materials (e.g. switches, fluorescent or mercury vapor lights/fixtures/bulbs, thermostats).  H) Oil Filters with free flowing oil. I) Fines (e.g., metal powders smaller than 100 microns).
  10. Any Material Containing Hazardous or Toxic Substances or Wastes
  11. Automobiles must have all fluids drained to the extent practical or otherwise required by law, and their batteries, leaded battery cables, and mercury convenience light switches, and air bags, as required by law, removed.
  12. Electronics of any kind including radios, stereos, computers, computer towers, television sets, monitors, E waste.

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